It’s a tough thing, determining whether or not you’re an addict. We all would like to believe that we do not abuse the things we surround ourselves with. We would like to think of it as just a bad habit, or that there is no harm if we are just enjoying ourselves. The truth is, there are many tell-tale signs of addiction that an addict might become oblivious to as time passes. With these 3 signs of addiction, you can determine whether or not you’re an addict.
3 Signs of Addiction:
1) Denial, lies and empty promises
You find yourself being forced to convince others, and even yourself, that you’re addicted to drugs. It becomes more and more of a chore to tell yourself otherwise. You start to truly believe that you are not an addict, but you hear yourself being criticized by the voice of denial lurking at the back of your subconscious.
Others are telling you that you need to get better, that you’re a user and you’re not doing yourself any good. You tell them they are crazy for not trusting your words, and begin lying to them about how you’ve stopped using. You create false stories to try and ease their minds.
Each time they start to see through your lies you begin to promise them that you’ll quit. You vow to never touch the stuff again. And yet, you find yourself back at square one. Relapsing over and over again.
2) You’re are running low on funds
Addicts tend to find themselves with little, to no money. Instead, all of your money is going toward drugs, and you look forward to spending it on such all day long. In the beginning it might have started off as harmless. It could have maybe even been seen as a bad habit. But because your pockets are continuously becoming empty, you are affecting your day-to-day life. Spending money, to the point of extinguish, on temporary euphoria is a clear sign of addiction.
Your work, relationships and health are being affected by your immediate loss of money. You can’t afford proper health care, go out with your friends or buy yourself a meal. Hunger doesn’t affect you like it used to. Instead, you’re hungry all of the time for something else. The results of this can be seen by merely looking in the mirror. Dark circles, a bulging rib cage and pale skin have been proven results of addiction.
3) You couldn’t care less about the negative consequences
You’re hurting yourself and hurting your loved ones, but despite what they say you are still using. At the end of your day, you’re not contemplating your life, friends or family, you’re contemplating when and how you will be able to use again. It’s obvious that your life is falling apart, but you don’t care.
Glimpses in the mirror prove that your health is starting to diminish, yet you lean toward using rather than aid your body. Your body doesn’t feel great at all when you get up in the morning, and your head pounds aggressively constantly. Euphoria can ease these pains, but you know that it’ll all soon come back again. Intentional ignorance is a common aspect of addiction.
Understanding that you need help
Coming to terms with the fact that you are addicted is when you can begin healing. Allowing others in to help you and aid you through the journey of recovery can truly impact your life for the long run.